Wednesday, February 18, 2015

the liebster award

i'm so happy to have been nominated by this lovely girl, sasha over at little-sash, to take part in the liebster award. i love the idea behind this award. it helps new blogs get discovered and allows bloggers to connect with each other.

the rules:
- post the award to your blog
- thank the blogger who nominated you and post a link back to their blog
- answer the 11 questions given by the blogger who nominated you
- nominate 11 new bloggers and notify them
- create 11 new questions for them to answer

my given questions:
1) what gave you inspiration to start a blog?
there are a countless amount of journals scattered around my room. this is just another one of them. it's my own. a place to document my feelings, life, travels, and photographs.

2) who is your favourite music artist?
i'm a swiftie, no shame. but i will forever love the goo goo dolls and matchbox twenty. their songs will never get old.

3) what are five items always in your handbag?
i don't use a handbag. i only carry my wallet around. i'm not that girl that has to carry a pack of gum, chapstick, a brush, makeup, and a billion q-tips around all day. you'll just find it all crammed into the center armrest of my car.

4) if you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?
i wish i could see people's true intentions. see through them to their very core. there will either be something alluring or something menacing. but wouldn't you like to know who you're really dealing with?

5) what is your guilty pleasure?
lazy friday nights with sweatpants, messy hair, popcorn, and netflix.

6) what advice would you give your younger self?
people are not medicine, doll. never let your happiness depend on or lie in the hands of another person.

7) what is your favourite joke?
i was going to make a hitler joke, but jew would nazi the humor in it.
why was hitler hit with a baseball? he did nazi it coming.
okay, enough with the nazi jokes. they're making me führerious.

8) what is your favourite fashion accessory?
infinity scarves and pearl earrings.

9) if you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?
i think the world would be an even more beautiful place if people focussed on living up to their full potential. love to the fullest, work your hardest, and be charitable. don't waste your talents and love. the world shouldn't be robbed of such good.

10) where does your fashion inspiration come from?

11) heels or flats?
neither honestly. i prefer vans, boots, and sandals. there is a time and a place for heels and flats. and that place is church on sundays.

i nominate:
leesh loves
the french way
anna jasmine
this girl said
very proper blog
rosanna's palette
oh snap anna
a pretty little life
love and leo
hello, scholar
els loves

the questions:
- what do you love most about yourself?
- what's your most embarrassing childhood memory?
- what's your dream job?
- what are your favorite lyrics?
- on the first day of ruling the world, what would you do?
- what has been the best moment of your life?
- which famous person would you love to be BFFs with?
- if you could ask for one wish, what would it be?
- what's the weirdest thing you have ever done on a date?
- where have you always wanted to travel?
- what makes you smile?

have fun, y'all!

all my love,


  1. Thank you for the nomination! I've actually already done this award - but there is no harm in doing it again! I loved reading your answers. xx

  2. Thank you for nomination again! go check!

  3. hi i just wanna let you know that i nominated you to the versatile blogger award, you can see it here on my blog have a lovely day !
    Lola x

  4. love your post!
    i also nominated you for a versatile blogger award here
