Friday, June 09, 2017

mr. tony, the bear & the best gelato ever

ice cream trucks aren't as they are in the states with all of the good humor ice pops and treats. ice cream trucks here are filled with homemade gelato, sundae toppings, fruit, chocolate, liquor, and real whipped cream. no artificial ice pops with gum-ball eyes here.

my parent's neighborhood has fallen in love with mr. tony, the neighborhood ice cream man. he's from sicily and makes the best italian gelato. and he's super friendly. and funny. and also what other ice cream man do you know that hands out free shots on his route to all his favorite customers? anyway, since i became pregnant, mr. tony has called beau his future customer. he finally got to meet him today and absolutely adored him. beau was pretty fond of him as well as he got his own free baby cone.

beau agrees, once you've had a taste of mr. tony's gelato, you can't settle for anything else.

all my love,

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